I honestly tried to like and work with Discord. The platform is great and works well for organizing. However, their level of censorship against consenting adults is ridiculous.
See here when my personal server was banned even though I blocked the channel they suggested. I still don’t understand why talking about political movements constitute “harmful” or “misinformation”. I never claimed it to be fact or that our server was a official source of anything related.
It doesn’t stop there:
Here they are again removing servers related to the latest craze of stock market manipulation.
It wouldn’t be so bad if you got more communication other than a vague email calling out the entire channel. What did we say that was bad? By what standards? Whose? Which specific words are “harmful”? Hundreds of people online have been searching for information about Q and if what they are saying is real. When YOU (Discord) censor us for talking about it YOU look guilty of hiding something.
As an American conservative I can safely say I’m joined by millions of others that are sick and tired of the big tech tyranny and censorship.
And yet not to long ago they wouldn’t even budge when someone was doxxed in a massive channel.
They won’t make any real moves unless the powers that be command it. Don’t expend ammo until the target presents itself.